Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Our Growing Family

Dexter and I will hopefully be welcoming a new member into our family tomorrow. His name is Gustav (we may change this) and he is a vizsla/retriever mix. We met him today at the Iowa City animal shelter and are sad we had to leave him there overnight as part of the application process. Hopefully, he'll be ours by supper-time Wednesday night!

If you'd like to see more pictures of Gustav or read about his agility skills, you can go to www.icanimalcenter.org, click "Adoption" on the top, "Dogs" on the left side, and "Gustav" in the center of the page.


  1. How awesome! Congratulations, hopefully everything works out with the app and all. Like they would turn you down. :) I have to say, my sister Linda has a German Shepherd named Gustov whom we've never met because he's a guard dog and would eat our faces off if he got loose, so that's what I think of now when I hear that name. But hopefully you will change all that. :) Can't wait to meet Herr Gustov the skinny friendly puppy.


  2. Can't wait to meet this sweet boy! I think Vizslas and retrievers are wonderful breeds and a combo puppy will be be-credible!
