Friday, April 10, 2009

Blitz It Friday: Before

I've been on an organizing kick lately. It would be a lot easier if I was a neat and tidy person anyway, but I'm not. So, before I organize, I always have to pick up the house. One way I used to trick Dexter into helping me was to set a timer for 15 minutes and told him we only had to clean that long. Then, when it went off, I'd finish up a few odds and ends and he'd feel guilty quitting. That wasn't really intentional on my part, that's just how it always turned out.

I came across this blog the other day that takes it up a notch. She calls the "cleaning time" a "blitz" and does it for 1 hour. I have the day completely off today, which hasn't happened in a long time. We're having Easter at our house on Sunday, and today is my main preparation day since I'll be making a trip to Des Moines tomorrow to have my sister-in-law-in-law-to-be cut and color my hair. I've decided to kickstart the day with a "blitz." My goal is to get the living room and kitchen completely picked up. They're not too bad, so if I really work I might get floors clean and pianos dusted.

Here are the before pictures.

The plan?

1. Eat breakfast.
2. Take dog outside.
3. Set timer and start cleaning.

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