Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pedal for Nepal

A friend of mine has an uncle riding RAGBRAI for a good cause. "Uncle John" and his two friends are raising money for the Nepal Home for Children, a Christian missionary organization that provides vocational training for children in Nepal. They hope to find 2,000 people to donate a penny per mile ($.01 x 500 = $5) so that they can raise a total of $10,000.

If you're interested in giving and/or praying, here is a link to my friend's blog where you can find more information. Here's the link to the actual site of Pedal for Nepal.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Delicious Dinner!

When I suggested foregoing the peanutbutter-chocolate stuffed french toast that was on the meal schedule for last night so that we could make strawberry-rhubarb crisp for dessert, I just about had a mutiny on my hands. And the mutineers had a point--it was pretty good. You do need a tall glass of milk/tea/something else to go along with it, otherwise you may choke every few bites because your esophogas is coated in peanutbutter. We didn't make the jam syrup because I'm not a fruit-chocolate person (except about these), we left off the whip, and used smashed up full sized chocolate chips.

What surprised me most about dinner, however, was how good the "good-for-you huevos rancheros" were. Depending on how crisp you get your tortillas (the crispness of mine was determined by how many other things I was doing at the time that each particular tortilla was on the pan), you can eat it like a taco or like you're eating the plate your meal came on. I think we probably put on more cheese than the recipe called for, but we didn't use sour cream, so I think it was still pretty healthy. I didn't make the salsa from scratch like the recipe said because I was tired and because I bought a large vat of salsa the other day that I need to use up before it goes bad.

Here's what our huevos rancheros looked like--not as pretty as Rachael's, but this is actually food and not food-photo props. (Seriously, my cooked canned black beans never look shiny and cute. Maybe it's because I overcook them or because I bought them at ALDI.)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Menu Planning Wednesday

Since I graduated, I've been doing a really bad job of meal planning. This has resulted in too many trips to the store, too much money spent, too much eating out, too much convenience food, and too little nutrition. We joined a CSA with another couple, and since I'll need to plan meals that include whatever comes in my box each week. I follow this blog:

and every Monday, or Sunday night, she posts her meal plan for the week and uses a widget (am I using that word correctly) so that her readers can upload links to their own blogs. So, her website is a source of about 300 (or more) meal plans every week.

We get our box from the CSA on Wednesday nights, and since grocery ads come out on Wednesdays, I decided that I'll be participating in Menu Planning Wednesday throughout the summer. This was my first week, and this is what I came up with. I'm not planning to post all the recipes, but if something looks interesting, let me know!

Thursday: Stir-fry bok choi (from CSA), carrots, onion, edamame, soba noodles; canned pineapple

Friday: Boca burgers, salad (lettuce from CSA) with homemade vegetarian caesar dressing (no anchovies), beer bread

Saturday & Sunday: Eating on the road on the way to Des Moines--probably Subway or PB&honey sandwiches

Monday: Tofu nuggets, scalloped potatoes, salad

Tuesday: Peanutbutter-chocolate stuffed french toast, eggs, fruit

Wednesday: Leftovers OR if there aren't enough, we'll make what I planned for Saturday before I knew we were leaving (a healthified version of huevos rancheros, iced raisin biscuits, and a veggie purchased from the farmer's market)

We're also making yogurt in the crockpot for breakfast, "healthy" oatmeal cookies for snacks, and some quinoa and black bean salad for lunches.

Did I mention that my little sister is staying with us for a few weeks and she does dishes? That's awesome.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Who likes carob chips? Fitz likes carob chips.

Fitz ate the bag of carob chips off the counter today. I think there were two pounds in the bag.

Dexter took him on a walk. Fitz pooped. Dexter tells me it was like Hershey's syrup. My apologies to the person whose yard that was.

(He pooped between the sidewalk and the street. I searched for the name of the term for that area and found that many other people wonder what it is called and that no one knows. "Tree lawn," "inferno strip," and "verge" are possibilities from an "urban dictionary.")

Fitz also just puked up his dog food on the carpet as I researched the name for the section of grass. I apologize to queasy readers. At least this is a picture-free post.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Good Boy, Fitz

We've finally realized that it isn't just that Fitz is too naughty or too stupid to use his dog bed. It's just that we haven't put it in the right spot before. Look at what a good boy he is on his bed in front of the sliding glass doors, keeping an eye on the birds.

Blood Chocolate OR Carob < Chocolate

A while ago I read an article in Relevant Magazine about things we buy without realizing how they affect others in the world. One of those things is chocolate. About 70% of the chocolate grown in the world is grown in Western Africa, and 40% of that is grown in just one country, Ivory Coast. Working conditions on these plantations are awful, and most families are so poverty-stricken that their children are pulled from school (if they could have afforded school) and made to work on chocolate plantations. Children even younger than 10 years old wield machetes and cover fields in pesticides. You can read more about this issue here. Note that our own senator, Tom Harkin, regardless of whether you agree with most of his policies, is one of two senators spearheading legislation to reduce and eliminate the child labor on chocolate plantations.

I love chocolate, but I value human rights. I can't watch CSI or other crime shows if they have to do with children being mistreated because then that's all I can think about for days and it makes me sick. So, how can I go on eating chocolate that has been harvested by a starving West African child? I know that my not buying that chocolate won't solve the problem entirely. I can't rebuild a war torn nation's economy by boycotting its exports. I can, however, show my financial support for the type of labor I want to continue so that current conditions don't last into the future.

I made the flimsy decision not to buy chocolate unless it had been fairly traded and harvested without child labor. However, because of labelling laws, it can be difficult to discern where the chocolate comes from. New Pi sells Guittard semi-sweet mini chocolate chips in bulk, but I can't get a straightforward answer from the website about whether children harvested the chocolate or if it was fairly traded. They seem like an upstanding company and purchase their chocolate from a variety of places, but I want to be sure.

I thought one way to solve my chocolate dilemma would be to buy carob chips, sold in bulk next to the chocolate chips at New Pi. I had a dessert in mind, so I bought a lot. Tonight, I decided to make chocolate chip cookies to try out the carob chips.


The carob chips didn't make it into the cookies. Thank goodness the cookies will be edible. The chips might have been okay if I hadn't been expecting something that tasted like chocolate. They tasted a little like dark chocolate, but in the grossest way possible. These are no longer a part of the solution for me. My cookies now contain Hershey's chocolate chips. They were my brand of choice before I discovered the slavery issue because they are cruelty-free in respect to animals.

Did you know about this chocolate dilemma before? If not, do you think it will change your buying habits? If so, do you have a new go-to brand that is easily accessible and doesn't break the bank?
Also, do you want a pound or two of carob chips?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My day, which was a happy one

1. Slept through the night despite my cough thanks to Tylenol PM

2. Listened to my puppy chew on his rope in bed for 15 minutes before I was supposed to wake up

3. Had a sub job

4. Talked to coworkers about their lives

5. Dexter gave me a delicious cookie from the cookie shop at the mall when I got home (and I was sooo hungry!)

6. Dexter cleaned the bathroom (without being asked or mentioning it to me)

7. Dexter did the dishes (without being asked or mentioning it to me)

8. Fitz graduated from Puppy Obedience

9. Fitz got a giant special Kong as a graduation present from Mommy and Daddy

10. Went to DQ (I got a chocolate cone dipped in sprinkles) and ate on a picnic table by the river with my husband and my puppy

11. Fitz got to eat the giant milk bone from the trainer

12. Fitz's daddy shared the last drips of his blizzard with him

13. Fitz tried out the new Kong and it's a hit